Friday, March 1, 2013

Mixing it up

After the long slog of staying with the flame azalea painting for months on end and finally completing it, I needed to take a few days and do something completely different to restore the creative batteries.  I think I mentioned that I've been taking a watercolor lettering class and this provided the perfect diversion I needed. I am down to lesson #9 -- only one more to go.  I had hoped to complete the course by the end of February and I almost made it!  I'll get that last project done in the next couple of days.

Meanwhile, I thought I'd share the assignment, which was to learn two ways to create deep shading of letters.  Surprisingly, this is not mindless work.  It takes more brush skill than I've currently got.  But you must know that no matter what I'm doing at my painting table, I find myself in a state of

because I am an

And for that I am eternally grateful!