Thursday, August 29, 2013

Back to School

I feel as though I am headed back to school today.  Summer is winding down, and I’m eager to end the three month hiatus from my work.  It has been a crazy busy summer for my family . . . a pivot point in time when everything that was is no longer.  We are in flux, as they say.  So many balls in the air I have ceased to count them.  But change is a very good thing and reminds us that we are living beings in a dynamic world.  And for that reminder I am grateful.

Although I don't have much art to show for my summer, I do want to share an experience I had, the feast for the eyes that is South America.  Peter and I traveled there for a month at the beginning of the summer.  I was tagging along on a fascinating journey with his graduate commerce students, who were studying the emerging markets of the region.  I had hoped to have more time to sneak off to draw the interesting things I saw.  But to tell the truth, I was so interested in the things they were doing I mostly kept to their schedule and had fun taking pictures, instead.  Here are some of my favorite images from the trip:

Really, I can't believe I was there.  It is so very different.  The ancient cultures are still there, sticking up out of the ground or staring you in the eye.  And yet the modern world has found its way there as well.  Each country seems to be rushing as fast a possible towards prosperity yet taking different routes there.  What an adventure!

And now back to the adventures awaiting me at my long neglected drawing table!  Hope you'll stick with me for the journey!