Monday, February 27, 2012

Daffodil - final

Finally I had a chance to work on this dang daffodil.  I must admit, I fought it the whole way.  It may as well be an oil painting for how much paint I used on the paper!  Yes, it does look like a daffodil, and yes, it does look correctly three-dimensional.  But I missed completely (I think) in capturing the essence of this flower.  It doesn't look light and breezy and gracefully transparent the way it does in real life.  Nope.  It sits heavy on the page.  Ah well, usually I nail it but sometimes I don't!  

1 comment:

  1. Hi Holly!

    Yellow is a super hard color to paint indeed! I have found that the less paint the better. You might try lifting some color and see if you can get some highlights into the petals. Living in Florida we don't have daffodils and I miss them! Keep up the good work. The more you paint the better it gets!
