Thursday, April 18, 2013

Something new and different

I am questioning my sanity.  I mean really.  What possessed me to agree to paint - against a hard deadline -  a plant that is rare, difficult to find, and worst of all (dare I say it?) boring!?!  When spring is bursting at the seams around here

and luscious Crayola colors are popping out of the earth,

I foolishly said I would paint the elusive and exceedingly humble Cymophyllus fraseri, or Fraser's sedge.

Seriously??  I must be really devoted to my craft to choose this over all other more spectacular specimens shouting at me from every corner of the garden.  This little clump of grass; a singular shade of green . . . what is the attraction?

Well, for starters, it is endangered.  And so it deserves to be noted.  The BAEE would like to include it in their upcoming book project (artwork submissions due June 1) and so I agreed to have a go.  I received this specimen a few days ago from the Lazy S'S Farm Nursery and I've been staring at it trying to uncover its redeeming qualities.  After relishing painting the undulations and variegations of my beautiful swiss chard leaf, I have had to adjust to a more stark, austere presentation of line and form.

This is an example of the fact that if you stare at anything long enough, and you keep your mind in a state of grace, you will see beauty.  For this little plant, it has to be about the leaves.  Look how gracefully they bend and twist, like ribbons.  And the photo doesn't show it, but the way the leaves emerge from the stalk, unfurling one inside another from opposite sides, is quite interesting.  Finally, and this I gather from photos on the internet, the plant sends up very attractive flower stalks in May and June... like white pom poms at the end of long, thin stems.  Also, I think I'll dig up the roots and see what they look like. (Roots are almost always gorgeous, in my opinion.)

And of course, I love a challenge.  A boring green leaf shade, teeny white flowers painted on a white background, and a looming deadline . . . Perfect!  Worth temporarily setting aside my swiss chard painting.  So now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to the drawing table....

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