Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Artichoke - day 2

I got a good start today with painting the initial washes.  Tough to see on this scan, but I have laid down several layers of a cool lemon yellow, followed by the beginnings of a layer of ultramarine blue.  I am using the drybrush technique, meaning I apply each thin layer of paint to dry paper, rather than allowing the colors to blend and bleed together wet (which is called a 'wet-in-wet technique', by the way).  I'm also not mixing my greens beforehand on my pallette, which is what I normally do.  Thought I'd try something different.  I'm placing a layer of blue over a layer of yellow and letting the transparency of the watercolors do the 'mixing' for me.  I'll admit, it's a bit scary picking up the loaded paintbrush and applying blue paint, hoping the blue and yellow will do their thing on the paper and end up turning the artichoke green.  So far, so good.  The greens of an artichoke are actually quite cool, so I'll be applying even more cool blues to get the right effect.Onward!

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